1. Price position: Generally, price would reflect the grade of the products, which requires us that the packaging box design should coincide with products’ grade. I don’t suggest you that using low-level package to pack high-end price products, neither using high-end packaging to pack upper grades of products, so it is of important to balance the grade and price.
2. Consumer position: Before pack your products, analyzing the consumer plays an essential role. Different kinds of people drink different wine. Wine packing reflects ones consumption level. Therefore, wine package should be in the same line with consumer character.
3. Marketing demand position: The purpose of packing is to business profit, which means to make money. Thus, as a part of products, packing should meet the requirement of the market. It is not an art, but a real product, which requires beautify custom gift boxes and clarify the primary of the design.
4. Brand position: Accumulation over years, brand is the source of product attributes and guarantee of the quality, so its brand connotation should be continued to grow and overstating. Anyway, to reach such a degree needs time; therefore, package design should match as the same direction with the brand extension.
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